
being because he has experienced more of the totality of human life".

FPE, then was formed about 6 years ago and now has chapters in a number of American cities and af- filiate organizations in London and Stockholm. It is serving its purpose of helping the femmiphile to understand himself and to achieve some degree of ex- perience with others of like persuasion. Many wives come to these group meetings and of course there are many wives who do not. Various groups have under- taken various projects in the line of public educa- tion and this meeting tonight is one of the projects of this, the parent or Alpha chapter of FPE.

Finally then, we hope you will enjoy this time with us, that it will broaden your own experience and understanding and perhaps will have an auxilliary benefit in your lives. Namely that perhaps it will set you to thinking about the artificiality and ar- bitrariness of the polarization between masculine and feminine in our culture. The fact that in lesser degree this has been true of many previous cultures is no warrent for its continuation when the members of a society finally come to that state of cultural maturity when they can realize that polarization into opposite camps is what is largely responsible for what has been termed the "battle of the sexes" (what is really meant is the battle of the genders); when they can realize further that this polarization re- sults in deprivation of the individuals right and ability to lead as full, satisfying and contributing a life as might otherwise be the case, and finally that the society itself is penalized because almost half of all the inherent talents and abilities of its members are stunted, depreciated and supressed. Who can deny the benefits to society from unleashing the talents of women since they first achieved the vote. Emancipation of the female is not yet complete, but it is further advanced today than the emancipation of the male. While "she" can now do, be, act, wear, express, experience, and enjoy many of the things